
Warming Shropshire Fire

What a year it has been. Covid 19 has had such a profound impact upon us all, but one of the most magical things of all, is sat in front of a stove, feeling the heat but also the comfort of the flickering flame that lights up the room. And the wonderful thing about a log burner, unlike central heating, is that it is so real, so wonderful to gather around. So even if we can’t get together in quite the way we have in the past, the feeling of warmth from the stove can give us the sense that a renewal, a new beginning will come.

Here in Rural Shropshire, a very large county on the border with Wales, people have tried to go about their business as best they can, but as we make our way into the deepest winter, knowing that it is possible to get really good quality wood from sustainable UK sources, which has been carefully kiln dried to make it as sustainable as possible, is also very important.

How much is the spread of Covid down to a break down in our defenses, for so much about life these days is about things seeming and appearing perfect rather than being wholesome and natural. So why not check out our fantastic range of wood supplies and services?


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